• Uffizi Virtual Experience

UBILIA® is available now to explore the center of Florence!

Provider: Comune di Firenze

Soon in other places


UBILIA® is the perfect bridge between people and places.

With an iOS or Android smartphone app, users can access valuable information and services from POIs (Points Of Information), with multiple proximity activators (NFC, QR codes, geo-positioning, beacons) in open spaces and buildings. For more info regarding POIs and how to add your contents see the providers section.

UBILIA® app is free.

Download on App Store or Google Play

UBILIA® is a product designed and engineered by Centrica.


Content providers (publishers, museums, municipalities, shops, restaurants, retailers, advertising and media companies) pay a monthly or annual fee, based on the number of POIs they use.

For further informations please contact us


UBILIA® providers meets the needs of tourists, travellers and citizens to have the best experience, knowledge and opportunities related to what they have in their proximity when walking: through UBILIA® app (iOS and Android), without the need of downloading tons of different apps with different user interfaces and interaction, these users will take advantage of information and services providers have inserted in the UBILIA® platform.

Some examples of UBILIA® providers:

Public administrations

Public administrations can improve their services to citizens and tourists at an attractive price.

Commercial activities

Commercial activities can efficiently advertise promotions, events, limited-time sales to people in their area, with a limited investment.


Publishers can focus on creating content when they use UBILIA® to distribute and promote theat content with its effective, fast and advanced digital channel.

Success Stories


What does UBILIA® do?

It allows you to enjoy geo-localized multimedia information (both indoors and outdoors) through an app for Smartphone / tablet (iOS and Android) according to your position.

Ubilia - Comune di Firenze

Historic Centre of Florence

In the Historic Centre of Florence - UNESCO World Heritage - there are nearly 300 POIs (Points of Interest) that provide accurate and detailed information about squares, palaces, museums, artworks, traditional shops and plates. UBILIA® allows you to appreciate from a new point of view the richness and heterogeneity of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Ubilia - Casa Buonarroti

Casa Buonarroti Museum

Casa Buonarroti Museum is equipped with 50 POIs and 13 UBIcases. The UBIcases are located next to the main artworks so to provide precious information about them through UBILIA® app.

Ubilia - Museo del Tessuto

Textile Museum of Prato

The Textile Museum of Prato is equipped with 50 POIs and 10 iBeacons. Thanks to UBILIA®, the visitor receives useful multimedia info during the exhibit itinerary through the several halls. In this way, your experience is enriched with clear and accurate information that will give a touch of innovation and new enjoyment to your visit.

Ubilia - Museo Storia Naturale

Natural History Museum

UBILIA® is effectively employed along the itinerary of the “Anthropological Banquets” set by the Natural History Museum- University of Florence at Expo 2015 in the Anthropology and Ethnology section.

Ubilia - Opera di Santa Croce

Opera di Santa Croce

UBILIA® contributes to valorise the architectonical complex of Santa Croce allowing the visitor to enjoy multimedia contents related to the Flood of Florence. In Santa Croce there are 100 general POIs, 50 POIs about the Flood of Florence and 15 iBeacons inside the Basilica.


With the UBILIA® editor, UBILIA® POIs can be populated one at a time or in massive mode to satisfy the needs of content providers with structured data. Learn more with the API guide.


Centrica srl • Piazza della Madonna della Neve, 5 • Florence - Italy • Phone: +39 055 24 66 802 • Fax: +39 055 20 09 785 • Email: sales@ubilia.com • Web: www.centrica.it